Ehsan Allahverdi

About Me

About Me

I am Ehsan Allahverdi, master of business management with more than 15 years of experience in marketing, branding, digital business strategy, and business consultancy. in other words, my job is to help various business create a solid image of themselves in both real and digital world. I am Ehsan Allahverdi, master of business management with more than 15 years of experience in marketing, branding, digital business strategy, and business consultancy. in other words, my job is to help various business create a solid image of themselves in both real and digital world.



Jan 2022 - present

founder & CEO at Foodex iran

Join us at Foodex Iran, where we are dedicated to cultivating a thriving food culture and empowering deserving brands. Our mission is to showcase the credibility and capabilities of these brands on both national and international stages. We believe that by elevating the position of food and beverage brands and promoting the latest industry standards, we can pave the way for a better food culture.

Jan 2022 - present
mar 2022 - present

head of digital at growtality

We, as a data-driven digital agency powered by innovation, look at every service of this company as an element of progress in creating a digital world. And we all know how vast these worlds will be in 2030.

Therefore, every detail, every corner, and every experience matters when you are designing your digital world, whether it’s located on your website, your social media, or maybe the metaverse. And that’s exactly why all of our services are set to be the cornerstone for that purpose.

mar 2022 - present



sep 2022

Islamic Azad University North Tehran

Master’s degree, business managements, marketing

sep 2022
Jan 2022 - present

Azad University (IAU)

bachelor’s degree, computer software engineering

Jan 2022 - present

Help myself to turn my Dreams into memories!




professional working proficiency


limited working proficiency


native proficiency



i love challenges because they make me learn more, and learning means growing!

My passion & interest

My passion & interest

Artificial intelligence




How can I help your business?

How can I help your business?

As Business Development Consultant, I understand the challenges businesses face in today’s ever-evolving market. My passion is helping you unlock your company’s full potential, and I’m committed to providing you with the tools, insights, and strategies needed to thrive in your industry. When you partner with me, you’re not just getting a consultant – you’re gaining a dedicated ally on your journey to success.
Don’t let your business growth stagnate – reach out to me today! To get started, simply fill out the contact form below or send me an email at Ehsan. I’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss your needs and explore how my tailored solutions can drive your business forward. I look forward to collaborating with you and being a part of your company’s exciting future.

+ 0
Years Of Experience
+ 0
Professional Courses
+ 0
Team I Worked With
+ 0
Volunteering Experience

Let’s level up your brand, together!

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